
Our Accessibility Policy

We realise how essential it is for this website to be accessible for all. We have applied a variety of features to make this easy to use, but more importantly for those with disabilities.

This website complies with Level A Standard of the W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. The Intrahost team will make every effort to improve this website, to ensure that it conforms to the latest accessibility guidelines.

The website uses CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for visual layout purposes.

The website has been tested on a number of different of web browsers to ensure quality and usability is consistent.

You can adjust the font size of each page to your liking through the web browser.

Windows Web Browsers

In your chosen web browser, press CTRL + to zoom in and CTRL – (minus key) to zoom out. CTRL 0 will reset sizes to default.

Mac Web Browsers

In your chosen web browser, press CMD + to zoom in and CMD – (minus key) to zoom out. CMD 0 will reset sizes to default.

Labels are implemented to assist access to form fields. We strive to create forms with a logical tab sequence.

This website has been created with consideration to suitable colour combinations that make the website easy to read.

We ensure that our links are relevant for our web users. A number of our links are described in greater depth by utilising the title attribute.